Parma Circle is an ideal neighborhood for those who are looking to have their own space while still being close to Parma’s downtown area. The community offers many amenities and attractions, such as the central green space with a picnic pavilion that features playground equipment for kids or walks on its walking path where you can meet friends after work without having to drive back home.
This is an ideal urban neighborhood for those who want to live in the hustle and bustle of city life but without all that traffic. This tightly packed community is also home to many local businesses, including a grocery store with fresh produce right on site. Conveniently located just minutes from downtown Parma make it easy to access via car or public transportation – no matter what you choose, there’s always something going around this side street.
The Parma Circle neighborhood is a great community for college students because it has many features that make life easy and enjoyable. College-friendly housing, walkability to campus amenities like grocery stores or gas stations along with safety make this neighborhood ideal for college students.
The median rental price in the picturesque Parma Circle community is currently $1,228 – lower in price than in 46.3% of neighborhoods across Ohio. This makes it one of the more affordable neighborhoods to rent an apartment or house for fiscally minded individuals who want great value on their monthly rental payment.
You’ll find Parma Circle real estate to be a mix of single-family homes and small apartment buildings. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re eyeing an affordable place near downtown or want more space with lower rent prices in the suburbs.
The Parma Circle neighborhood is a pleasant, family-friendly area. It’s made up mostly of older homes that have been well-established for decades now, with some newer construction mixed in here and there to keep things interesting.
The people who live in this Parma neighborhood are middle-income, making the community a moderate-income area. This means that there is not much difference between their incomes and those around them, which makes the community feel more accessible to everyone.
The Parma Circle neighborhood is a neighborhood where many people find themselves working hard to make ends meet. With 28% of its population employed as executive or professional workers and 26 percent categorized primarily as manufacturing employees, it’s not surprising that this area has become one filled with opportunities for those who are willing to work their way up.
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