If you’re looking for a quiet suburban neighborhood in Parma, look no further than Southwest. The area is largely residential, with single-family homes and apartments mixed among the landscape of trees that line many streets throughout this part town’s borders – not only making it convenient but also offering plenty to do when traveling around.
Parma Southwest is a great community to reside in if you’re eyeing affordable housing, close proximity to shopping and restaurants, plus public parks. The area has seen an increase in popularity as people realize that it’s ideal with its convenient location.
Parma Southwest’s diverse housing stock is a perfect fit for any family. Whether you’re seeking to find the biggest house on your block or an apartment building with multiple units that will accommodate all of your loved ones, this Parma community has what everyone needs.
The Parma Southwest neighborhood has an average rental price of $1,819. The average monthly rental cost in this Parma neighborhood is higher than 90.7% of the neighborhoods across Ohio.
Parma Southwest is a great community to live in for many reasons. The first and most important reason that Parma southwest stands out among all other places in Ohio, it’s that this place has everything you need as far as raising your family goes: good schools, safe streets with plenty of things available just waiting on tomorrow so we can do something new together. Not only does our town offer plenty of opportunities outside–there are even social clubs tailored specifically towards retirees who want to keep themselves entertained while taking their walks through parks or playing golf every day (depending on what they fancy).
The Parma Southwest neighborhood is among the most well-established residential areas in all of Ohio. This Parma area has many older homes, dating back to before World War II when it was just an agricultural sector for farmers who wanted their own land away from city life or downtown business districts where prices were higher than what they could afford there; but nowadays, this part of town seems more majestic than ever.
The Parma Southwest neighborhood is an ideal community for college students because it has many amenities and features that make life as an undergraduate easier. This area also stands out from other parts of Ohio by being walkable, safe enough to visit at night without fear (especially if you’re walking alone), having plenty going on in the community with events tailored specifically towards this population–and most importantly: there are tons more bars than usual right around campus.
Parma South
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